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Asklepios and the German National Sculling Team – Strong Partnership

Asklepios – way more than a hospital. We consider ourselves as companions of health. Also with top sport athletes. That is why we support the Olympic training facilities of Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein over years now as a cooperation partner not only from the medical point of view.

‘Working as a sports physician, psychology is a big topic’, says Michael Ehnert, doctor in charge at the institute for sports medicine and prevention. ‘I know many of the top sports athletes via my sports center for years now and work with them constantly over the time. My job is also to motivate them or – if necessary – to comfort them.’
Right now the best possible preperation for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo is in the focus. That not only realtes to the German National Sculling Team: as cooperation partner of the Olympic training facilities the Asklepios supports many other top sport athletes and young talents from other sports (e.g. beach volleyball, hockey, swimming and sailing) as well.
Furthermore the hospital operator together with the Olympic training facilities come up with sportive campaigns and support outstanding projects like ‘The Norm – Is taking part really everything?’, which premiered in 2016 and followed different athletes on their journey to the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio.
‘SXULLS – Row to Tokyo’ is the extension of this unique movie project, that is again accompanied and supported by Asklepios.